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The Silver Creek Aeromodelers, AMA Club No. 5516, is located at 1962 Mountain Highlands Blvd, Snowflake, Arizona.  Our club field is recognized as a FRIA site, meaning no remote ID is required to fly here.
As you may have guessed from our club name, Silver Creek runs nearby to the west. We have two runways, the largest is approximately 900 feet long by 100 feet wide. The prevailing winds are generally from the north to west, depending on our southwest weather patterns for the time of year.
All types of aircraft are permitted at our field with the exception of turbine powered aircraft due to fire concerns.  Solar powered charging facilities are at the field and can accommodate 12 volt and 120 volt chargers.
Please visit us at the meetings or at the field to learn more about the club. Should you wish to join the club, the annual fees are $45 for an individual, $67.50 for a family, and $22.50 for a junior membership (under 18 years of age). Members must also be members of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) to fly solo at the field. Download an application form here.
Thanks and we’ll see you at the field.